Drawing for fun

I’m reading Bakuman again.

It’s a manga about two kids and how they reach their dream of becoming professional manga artists (mangakas). It’s very inspiring and often very meta. The story and art are phenomenal; it’s one of my all-time favorites.

In the current arc, both kids are running on empty. Mashiro, the artist, accepts a temporal job as their rival’s assistant, with the goal of breaking the rut and find a solid idea for their next manga. He finds it by being reminded how much fun he had when he was a child, drawing nonstop and imagining story concepts and characters.

I paused reading and reminisced on my own childhood and how I also drew a lot and enjoyed it. I drew armies, cartoon and video game characters, spaceships, robots and martial artists. I once drew a complete comic, full color, with a cover, something close to 30 pages.

In other ocassions I played by drawing. No panels, just characters and fighter jets flying all over the page, raw action in real time, with no care of layout, fast, loose and incomplete — just enough lines to suggest the missile lock in the HUD or have the character talk (no written dialogue, I made all the voices!). It was a complete mess and chaos, but immensely fun.

I’m trying to tap into that childhood playfulness and boldness I’ve since lost. While pondering on this, I remembered my frustration wanting so badly to draw The Real Ghostbusters’ Slimer and failing no matter how many times I tried.

It took a bunch of decades, but I finally can.

Here’s the JSON Feed

This blog now has a JSON Feed, so I can be added to Icaplanet!

Icaplanet is an old Planet, a feed aggregator, written by Oliver which used to aggregate many blogs from Ica-based friends, long before social media took over the internet. I believe things will go full circle someday and blogs will come back.

So, Oliver is reimplementing Icaplanet and he’s using JSON Feed instead of plain old RSS. The domain was about to expire and he asked me if he should renew it. I have other priorities right now, writing on my blog is not on my short-term plans, but I don’t want Icaplanet to go the 99ovejas.com way (that’s a story for another day) so I said yes and I might post sporadically, no promises.

Oh yeah, feed’s here: https://jgwong.org/blog/feed/json

You can add me now, dude!

It pays to be curious

Zoom expired my password and forced me to change it, something about a third party being compromised. I generated a new one on my password manager and, lo, it didn’t allow me to paste it. Zoom wanted me to type by hand my new long, random password.

I had an immediate solution: sleep 1s; xdotool type $(xclip -o -sel c). There. Password typed.

It’s one of those moments where it pays to be curious and keep learning stuff, even if you think it’s too niche. It might come handy when you least expect it.

Moving lines in Vim

I’m learning to move ranges of lines in Vim. What I usually did was jump to the starting line, enter Visual Mode, select the lines I want to move, cut, move to the desired location and finally paste.

But Vim has a more efficient, shorter and faster way to do this, no cursor moving at all.

  • Move current line to line after 12: :m 12
  • Move current line to before first line :m 0
  • Move current line to after last tine :m $
  • Move current line to after line with mark a: :m 'a
  • Move range of lines: 5,7m 21 — will move lines 5-7 to after line 21.
  • Move 5 lines starting at current line to after line 21: :.,.+4m 21
  • Move current line 2 lines after current line: :m .+2

And you can return to the line you were with g; (and g, is the opposite).

Looking for a better Wiki

Three years ago, I tried VimWiki but it didn’t convince me. Markdown is not a first-class citizen, but VimWiki’s own syntax. It also uses its own filetype, which made me lose my Markdown customizations. HTML export is only for VimWiki’s syntax, not Markdown. It also stole the Tab mapping I use with UltiSnips.

Then I found Wiki.vim and everything is great. It’s not a filetype plugin, so I can keep my Markdown filetype. It doesn’t overwrite my mappings. It uses Pandoc for export, which is great. It has FZF integration. It has tags, not sure if VimWiki have them too, and I haven’t tried them yet.

I still use it, three years later and now I want to improve some things.

I’ve reached Todoist’s Enlightened Level

I usually don’t celebrate these gamification things, but hey, my days have been hectic and stressful lately, so yeah, I’ll celebrate this one.

«Enlightened» level is Todoist’s highest level when reaching 50,000 points; I guess I won at Todoist, then? Oh, no, wait, the help page says:

Once you reach Karma Enlightenment, a new mystery theme will be unlocked on your account.

Ok, that sounds interesting. I see nothing new on my account, maybe it will roll out soon.

Update: Sorry, I misread. It’s a mystery theme, not a mystery level. Yeah, I can see the new color theme now, pretty fancy. And so, yes, I totally won at Todoist.

Todoist, by the way, is the task list management service I currently use, after Wunderlist begun its slow death. As my Karma level can attest, I highly recommend it.

Lock screen triggering twice on Xubuntu

After upgrading Jupiter’s Xubuntu to 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) on the holidays, I had this weird bug with XFCE where you unlocked and right away you got a different lock screen again, but the text boxes didn’t work and it didn’t respond to mouse clicks or anything. And it’s super hard to search for that kind of thing.

Long story short, disable XFCE’s Screensaver. That second lock screen comes from the screen saver, yep. Why does this happen is beyond me. And since we don’t use a screen saver on Jupiter (it’s the family machine), and I had other things to fix and adjust after the upgrade, I’m OK with this solution.

Back to school

Kids are back to school. All morning routine and habits are currently broken, as expected.

Kids were excited and eager to return to school, which is a good thing.

The Lord has provided and we’ve covered the additional expenses.