Sismo en Ica, 30 de Enero del 2012

Dentro de mi sueño sentí el temblor y aún dormido pensé: “¡despiértate, temblor!”

Abrí los ojos y todo estaba temblando terriblemente.

No recuerdo haber cogido la linterna que siempre tengo al lado de mi cama. Lo que sí recuerdo es haber tratado de coger mis celulares y sólo atinar a uno. Cuando intenté levantarme, sentí la resistencia del cable del cargador y supe que era el iPhone.

Solamente llegué a la puerta de mi cuarto y ya no pude avanzar más. El remezón era bastante fuerte, las ventanas hacían ruido y algunas cosas empezaron a caerse. El movimiento era de lado a lado, las ondas cortas. Mi hermana estaba en la puerta de su cuarto, que da al lado del mío, pero no veía a Mamá. Mi mente iba a mil planificando cómo hacer para bajar las escaleras. Gracias a Dios, la intensidad comenzó a reducirse y finalmente terminó.

Varias cosas se cayeron, pero ningún daño mayor ni estructural. Tampoco alguno personal.

Subí nuevamente a mi cuarto a recoger mi celular, ponerme un polo encima y zapatillas. Como mi pantalón de pijama no tiene bolsillos cogí mi mochila y metí todo allí. Dormimos (o intentamos dormir) en la sala. Estaba bastante incómodo para dormir en el sofá, pero luego me di cuenta que seguía sobresaltado, creo que por la sorpresa del despertarse. Por eso no podía dormir. Intenté calmarme. Una parte de mi mente seguía esperando las réplicas.

El sismo fue de 6.3, a 15km al sureste de Ica, a las 12:11 AM. Más información en la USGS.

The Phone Stack

The Phone Stack:

We usually take a pretty hard line against phones at dinner, but a new trick just popped up that gives us hope for the future.
It’s called a phone stack, and it’s a buzzing, flashing reminder of every phone-etiquette rule the world seems to have forgotten.

Creo que voy a probarlo en el sopón con los chicos esta noche.

Remembering these Moments

Remembering these Moments:

Admittedly, a part of me wants to chronicle my own personal parental journey for the sake of grabbing hold to something that slips every man’s grasp: that elusive moment in time when we stop for a moment, lift our heads and declare the beauty before us to be good. The river of time pulls us so quickly away from those moments, though, try as we might to pause longer and savor them; and we’re swept onwards with a handful of earth that seems to dissolve away all too quickly in its flow.

Believing in Tim Tebow

Believing in Tim Tebow:

Remember last week, when the world was pulling its hair out in the hour after Tebow had stunned the Pittsburgh Steelers with an 80-yard OT touchdown pass to Demaryius Thomas in the playoffs? And Twitter was exploding with 9,420 tweets about Tebow per second? When an ESPN poll was naming him the most popular athlete in America?

Tebow was spending that hour talking to 16-year-old Bailey Knaub about her 73 surgeries so far and what TV shows she likes.

“Here he’d just played the game of his life,” recalls Bailey’s mother, Kathy, of Loveland, Colo., “and the first thing he does after his press conference is come find Bailey and ask, ‘Did you get anything to eat?’ He acted like what he’d just done wasn’t anything, like it was all about Bailey.”

Fast Food – Ads vs. Reality

Fast Food – Ads vs. Reality:

So, I went to some fast food places (I won’t say “restaurants”, just “places”), and picked up burgers and tacos, so I could compare them with the ads. (I’m always on the hunt for little projects like this. Stoked.) I brought the food home, tossed it into my photography studio, and did ad-style shoots, with pictures of the official ads on my computer next to me, so I could match the lighting and angles.

Ese Whopper Jr. se ve deprimido.

Journalling Tips

Journalling Tips:

So you decided to start journalling as your new year resolution and don’t know where to start?  The following tips are things I’ve learned from several years of journalling, and while they are aimed at Christians journalling for the benefit of their spiritual walk, many of the points will apply to journalling in general.