
One of the things I urgently need is Margin. I need to recover breathing space, my schedule and obligations have grown again this month and it’s going downhill to chaos.

My kids are growing and demand more «family time.» I saw this period of vacations as the right opportunity to have this time because of no hectic school mornings, no school presentations to prepare or homeworks to assist, early bedtimes, etc.

So how is it possible that I’m now even more busy? Can someone explain this to me? It’s madness!

I need to stop, reassess and, most importantly, start saying «NO» to a lot of things. Reject new things and prune existing things.

Strange dreams

I often have strange, weird dreams. So often that one of the recurring morning jokes between Thalía and I is:

Me: «I had a weird dream last night!»

Thalía: «Oh, that’s so normal.»


Today Thalía and I celebrate thirteen years being together. Time does fly! And yet, sometimes it seems as life has always been like this and I can’t imagine how I could ever lived without her.

Happy thirteen years, my dearest love, I love you with all my heart. And may God bless us with many more years.

That English thing, again

I had an unexpected pocket of time, so I picked one of my long-neglected items in my «Someday/Maybe» list and quickly added a new custom taxonomy to this WordPress blog in order to have Languages.

I’ve failed time after time to start a new blog in English. By «blog» I mean both the engine and the writing. Yet, call me alienated, call me whatever but there’s this part of me that thinks in English. I’m not of the idea that «English is better,» or «sounds cooler than Spanish,» it’s just that I read, write and talk in English daily (I do freelance work for English-speaking clients) and I’d like to reach this audience too.

I’m still not sure if this blog is the best place to do this, but I’m super tired of indecision and paralysis. I decided to stick to what I decided long ago and just write.

Let’s see what happens and decide later. Maybe I discover a key reason to have a separate blog. Or maybe not.

We can always setup 301s later. That’s the beauty of controlling your own platform.


¡Gracias a todos por los saludos y buenos deseos de cumpleaños! Tendría que partir la torta a nivel atómico para que alcance para todos, ¡así que mejor me lo quedo yo!

¡Gracias! Thank you!

Cuarenta y cuatro

Hoy he cumplido 44 años. ¡Cómo vuela el tiempo! Y pensar que cuando empecé este blog tenía 23.

La voy a pasar con nuestras familias comiendo mi plato favorito (asado con puré) y soplando las velas de la torta red velvet que me preparó Thalía.

Gracias a todos por los saludos y buenos deseos. Gracias al Señor por la salud y sustento que nunca nos ha faltado.

Elige tus batallas

Recordé una frustrante serie de problemas que tuve el año pasado con otro desarrollador, hasta ya casi perder la paciencia y explotar. Conversando con Oliver al respecto, le escribí, “pero si es sentido común,” a lo que me replicó, sabiamente, “lo es para tí.” Estaba cegado pensando tener la razón — y quizás la tuve — pero Oliver me puso las cosas en perspectiva.

Tengo que aprender a elegir mis batallas y ceder. El código será desordenado, redundante o ineficiente para mí, pero mientras funcione y el cliente esté contento, será mejor para todos dejarlo pasar en esta ocasión y reservar la pelea cuando sea importante.

Choose your battles wisely. After all, life isn’t measured by how many times you stood up to fight. It’s not winning battles that makes you happy, but it’s how many times you turned away and chose to look into a better direction. Life is too short to spend it on warring. Fight only the most, most, most important ones, let the rest go.

— C. JoyBell C.

Más y Menos para el 2022

Más para este 2022:

  • Más actividades en familia.
  • Más aprender cosas de Frontend.
  • Más aprender a tocar el piano.

Menos para este 2022:

  • Menos malos hábitos.
  • Menos preocupaciones.
  • Menos excusas.