The Making of Dune II

A phenomenal insightful article about the creation of one of my favorite games. Although the mechanics haven’t aged well, Dune II will always hold its place in history as the father of modern RTS games.

I remember a school friend raving about it, saying it was a very different game and not knowing exactly how to explain it to me. “Real-time” wasn’t a thing back then. The whole gestalt of building, gathering resources and strategically placing your units was overwhelming for us kids. Just looking at the details on the Windtraps, the little flags waving, the units walking, the sand tracks left by the Trikes, it looked like a real, living, breathing world existing right there in the screen. So fascinating.

Oh, and the manual (we had a photocopy of it) had a cool photo of the development team on the back. That was also super cool and inspiring, as the dream for Oliver, Oscar and I was to develop our own games.

Una foto de Exito

Recordé que en el manual de Dune II — un juego de PC que jugué con mi primo años atrás — había una foto del equipo de desarrollo.

Esta foto fue (y sigue siendo) bastante inspiradora. Hasta hice un par de dibujos de mí mismo con un equipo de programación en mi libreta, como una epítome de éxito.