The Auteur Forum: Mechner and Chahi on Inspiration

No puedo creer que no haya publicado esta entrevista de Gamasutra aquí en mi blog. Dos leyendas de juegos de video: Eric Chahi (Another World) y Jordan Mechner (Karateka, Prince of Persia, The Last Express, etc).

Mi parte favorita es cuando hablan sobre inspiración.

Jordan Mechner:

In all creative fields, innovation comes from combining things that haven’t been put together before. If you immerse yourself too single-mindedly in your chosen art form, whether it’s video games, movies, comics or whatever, your work can easily become just a reflection of what others are doing in that field, rather than breaking new ground. A game should be about something, not just about other games.

Eric Chahi:

Video games, like other expressive forms, cannot exist in a vacuum, they cannot feed on themselves. Video game creators draw from the real world, from their passions. All these inspirations brew in their subconscious until they find their definitive form, whether it ends up as something new or not.

Léanlo ya.