A Gruelling One

Esta es la tercera vez que intento escribir algo y no tengo lo que se llamaría inspiración. Ya estaba por tirar la toalla pero me vino a la mente este pedazo de reflexión de Tim Challies:

During the recent Olympics I saw video after video of athletes answering similar questions in their field. Time and time again I heard them say that they got to the top of their game by practicing hard, day in and day out. They practiced hardest on the days when they felt like they had the least to give and on the days when they would rather have been anywhere else doing anything else. It’s not on the easy days and through the joyful practices that an athlete becomes an Olympian. It’s through the hard days, through the gruelling ones. Here is where he learns the character and endurance that will carry him in competition.

Estoy en exactamente ese momento que tengo poco para dar y pasaría de hacer cualquier otra cosa menos escribir. Pero pienso hacerlo y hacerme más fuerte hoy y ahora. Sigo sin tener idea alguna, pero el solo hecho de escribir y golpear las teclas me está levantando el ánimo. Si mi vida fuese una película, aquí sería el training montage (con una música genial de fondo). Pero en la vida real toma horas, días, meses y años. No hay atajos, simplemente es trabajo duro.

Al menos puedo poner la música de Rocky.

Write even when you have nothing to say

Write even when you have nothing to say

There are many other times, like today, when I sit down and have nothing to say. Sure, there are about a dozen topics that are sort of half-formed in my mind that I want to unload on, but none of them are ready. It’s like staring at a television set that’s not turned on. Those are the days that it’s most important to write.

Un buen consejo que debería seguir.